Kajal Aggarwal who was in the news recently for a topless photo-shoot for a magazine, says the photos were altered ~ Srinivasa Ramanujam
Kajal Aggarwal is furious. The recent buzz that she had gone topless for a photoshoot for a men’s magazine has irked the actor. Kajal claims that the picture was distorted and she says, “I shot for the magazine, but not this way. They have photo-shopped the picture and changed it.”
The peeved actor says that she had never posed topless for the shoot. “I was wearing a black tube top while shooting. In fact, I still have the pictures that I shot in the tube top, which they sent for my approval. Moreover, I did not give them an interview,” she clarifies. Kajal is supposed to have said that she would never wear a bikini or do a kissing scene in the interview for the mag.
Kajal, who is currently shooting for the Tamil film Maatran, is upset with the final outcome of the pictures and the story. “I’m not the kind of person who would ever do a topless shoot. My reputation and work stands by me. Publishing a distorted version of the photo is wrong and unethical,” she states. The actor signs off by saying, “My team will take this up with the magazine.”